Sunday, November 25, 2012

"Stripling Warriors"

This week Portland (my jj team) faces off against the "stripling warriors" and tough names aside, we are going to murder them. I just hope this one kid on our team that kinda snuck his way on doesn't mess around like he did last year because I want to sore 100 points! (as a team) as myself I have to score 4 points every game but I'm up to the challenge. My plan is to be really dirty when the ref  looks away so when I get the ball I get fouled super hard. Then I just need to make my foul shots. Easy enough right? Well I've been shooting free throws and hopefully I go 1/2 or 2/2 on every trip to the line. Well that's it. See ya


  1. Good job writing small. "hopefully I go 1/2 or 2/2 on every trip"

    I'm serious. It's all about the details, Jerry. The details.

  2. Side note, I hate Portland. As in the place.

  3. P.S.E. is taking the 'ship this year. Sorry bro.

    1. Nice try son. I'll let you kiss my championship rings tho...
