Sunday, December 9, 2012


I miss Coach Nick, but I am coach nick. HOW DOES A MAN MISS HIMSELF? But really though coach nickols taught me to be enthusiastic about my life. No matter the situation he was always fired up. He didn't get any credit and people made fun of him... But he was a cool dude. 

RING RING RING "Oh, pardon me, it's destiny..."

Even though we lost the game the man put in the effort to call his own cell phone and have a phone call with "destiny". What a badass.

Where The Sidewalk Ends

Where The Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein is a great poem. When I read it it made me think about the country. It talks about the place where the sidewalk ends as being a nice place, then it talks about the place with the sidewalk as being not so nice. It says to follow the chalk-white arrows to the place where the sidewalk ends. It could be talking about leaving the city or even more figuratively going to a happy place.


that's what makes it such a good poem. It's short and to the point, and it makes you think. Read it 10 times and you'll think something new every time.